Human Resources Directorate

The HR Directorate aims to achieve its goals by strategic planning that will help in reaching the highest levels of success through statistics and diagnosis of the working force in King Fahd Hospital of the University and through continuous support to provide human resources and to train them. Also, the Directorate aims at applying the Civil Service, Faculty, Work and Workers Affairs, the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and Hospital contracts' regulations and will focus on distributing the financial dues such as; promotions, courses and allowances.

The Directorate is now studying on how to develop the policies and services provided to the staff and is working on establishing an organizational structure that will serve the public interest in order to make the procedure easier and to guarantee the quality of the Directorates outputs. The number of beneficiaries for this year amounted up to 24727 people.


To achieve its goals and strategies to insurance the success of the general vision of the hospital.


To achieve distinctive performance through effective cooperation that will establish and apply highly qualified solutions and will provide fast and easy to use services and policies.


  • Transparency and Mutual Respect
  • Teamwork
  • Commitment and Responsibility
  • Planning and Analyzing
  • Precision and Quick Execution
  • Loyalty
  • Professionality and Integrity
  • Leadership and Distinction in performance.
Published on: 20 December 2017
Last update on: 28 December 2017
Page views: 6100